isolation space is a visual series that expresses the artist’s relationship to the space that she occupies during her pandemic quarantine period. the work captures simulated environments that represent the artist’s mental state as she embraces the reality that her bedroom is where she has spent- and will perpetually continue to spend- the majority of her time. this piece explores how the same space occupied by a single person can change over a period of time, and how it can change the person who resides within it. in isolation, the artist utilizes her cramped 8 ft x 7 ft bedroom as a place both of escape and of entrapment.
isolation space combines photogrammetric scanning and 3d modeling to create three similar yet separate environments. all are representations of the artist’s bedroom, but each individual space has its own unique atmosphere. the visuals for this project are based loosely upon a series of “isolation texts” that the artist has written during quarantine. the nine images selected to be presented are based upon texts 1, 4, and 6: withdrawal, awakening, and decay.

hidden away between 4 soft walls 
heavy and hot is the air around me 
it's hard to breathe 

shutter my narrow windows 
crawl beneath my bed 
burrow under the unswept floorboards 

you weave a shawl to bundle my body 
a shivering frame bound in a chrysalis of wool 
smelling solidly of cedar and stone 

wrapped and trapped in a secret 
sit here beside me now 
let’s forget each other in this cocoon

i wake in a speckled beam 
to shimmering dust in the air 
to that little dark glass-and-metal mirror 

it barks at me with buzzing blue light 
turn its face flat to the sheet 
turn my gaze towards the east 

staring at that brilliant golden square 
it blinds me with hot yellow light 
and dazzles me as i lay languidly 

i shut my burning eyes 
a hot tear slithers down my cheek 
blood pulsing through my sun-seared eyelids 
a pure, most painful red 

i succumb to the heat 
ignore the metal mirror protesting beside me 
let the rushing red river wash over me 
lids squeezed shut until they grow cool 

peering gingerly through tangled lashes 
the golden light has departed 
bedroom once again gray 
the cold glow of the mirror beckons me now

five square meters keep me captive 
i can feel the walls inching closer 
burdened with bedclothes 
weakened by solitude 
i surrender to my surroundings 

blankets meld to my frame 
the soft threads tangle round my toes 
weaving a rope up my spine 
they nest in my hair like little snakes 
lungs inflate, and they breathe with me 

my gentle bones sink deeper down 
lose myself in a cotton fortress as dust settles above 
layers of dirt from all the days i lived 
the sediment builds steadily 
the bulges of my body become a rolling landscape 

houseplants creep up the bedposts 
thin white roots reaching down into my mattress 
vines coiling and curling across my skin 
dropping spores in my chest- i’ll nurse the saplings 
soon i’ll be a garden

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